(Episode 10) The Island of Misfit Articles
Now that our leisurely stroll through the major Articles of the Constitution is done (for now), its time to cover the rest of the Articles! Since they didn't need entire episodes devoted to themselves, but they didn't really fit anywhere else, we invite you to join us this week on the Island of Misfit Articles!
In Episode 10, we cover Articles IV through VII of the Constitution. The highlights include:
-Article IV's Full Faith and Credit Clause and the Privileges and Immunities Clause
-Article V's prohibition on certain amendments, including slavery
-Article VI's Supremacy Clause and the ban on religious tests for those seeking office
-Article VII's Ratification Process (remember Episode 6?) and attestation clause
Some of these will be making reappearances in future episodes when we cover major SCOTUS cases or important constitutional challenges, but our relatively brief overview should get you through the highlights until then.
After you give this episode a listen, pat yourself on the back: you've made it through the Constitution!
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